Saturday, March 15, 2008

blogging before my time runs out

Leona and I after we were re baptized in the Jordan River

What a blast we are having. I was re baptized today in the Jordan River. There are so many people from all over the world here. It is really amazing.

We went to the wailing and saw the students come down to the court yard and dance. It was like a mosh pit service except some of the men had guns.

Caesarea by the sea
We got to see Caesarea by the sea. It was absolutely magnificent. I wish my camera wasn't having issues. Here is a link to information about it.

Beit She'an

We also went to Beit She'an, It was too huge to go through. We were there for about 45 minutes when it takes about four hours to walk through it.

We also went to Mt. Carmen where Elijah and the prophet's Baal duked it out.
Yesterday we went to see the Jesus Boat. It was really nice.
We also had church on the Sea of Galilee. It was a real party.
We went to Gadera too. I couldn't walk up the hill so just looked up at the ruins.
It cost me $17 for 24 hours of wifi service and my time is almost up. I didn't know that the little poetic prayer about the internet coming through was going to be such a deal. I guess money talks while on vacation.

1 comment:

East Coast-er Momma said...

Wow! It must have been great to experience that. I really wish I could have gone. I hope that I will be able to do something just as momentous soon.