I was blessed to have sponsored a precious Chinese boy for about a week this summer. His American name is David. He ended up going to stay with another host family because he was extremely lonely. We tried to communicate on the computer at worldlingo.com, but the web site did not have his dialect. The Lord impressed upon me to make sure he saw his friends on the weekend. As things progressed, I discovered that he lives at school during the week, and goes home on the week ends. When he is home his parents are too busy for him. His first bond is to his school friends. Interesting lifestyle I must add.
Well the group of 30 students stayed in the area for a total of two weeks. Every week day was filled with activities. The students had a wonderful time. They went to San Fransisco and walked to the Quoit Tower and down Lombardo street. Rode the Vallejo ferry, visited the Railroad Museum, shopped at Old Sacrament, and toured the fish hatchery at the Nimbus Damn. This list is only a few of the places they traveled to.
Their next stop is Washington DC to tour the White House and other memorials there.
We grew close as a group and will miss them. I know the children will never forget the church services and the spirit of God. He touched all the children and I am sure he will continue to deal with their hearts as they return home and continue to grow up.

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