Dear Editor:
I am writing in regards to your recent cartoon lampooning Pentecostals.
First, I am somewhat shocked at the paucity of judgment in running such a
Demeaning piece (not to mention the awful artwork). The crassness and lack
Of discretion shown in your cartoon reveals a surprising narrowness and
Ignorance of world realities by both the cartoonist and those who approved
It. When I compare such with the intellectual perspicacity, the enduring
Utilitarian beauty, and the unparalleled literary skill of the writers of
The New Testament (all of which were Pentecostal, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4) your
Newspaper comes out a sad and very distant second. (An example of such
Beauty is I Corinthians 13. Yes, it is written by a Pentecostal preacher
and author).
Further, it is evident that someone at the Post may not know that 16% of
The world’s population is Pentecostal (not just “Christian” but
“Pentecostal Christians”). This is approximately 500 million people
Worldwide. Further, this number is expected to continue its exponential
Growth for decades to come. So impacting is this phenomenon that, several
Years ago, Time magazine estimated it may be one of the most impacting
Events in the last one thousand years.
The liberating power of Pentecostalism also has a direct impact on the
Political climate of the world. For example, China is being revolutionized
From within by conversions to Christianity, much of which is Pentecostal.
This emphasis on the value of the individual versus the state is literally
Readjusting the philosophical underpinnings of the world’s largest nation.
In the intellectual and spiritual Hall of Greats, Jesus I know. Paul I
Know, but I gently ask, who are you?
Nathaniel J. Wilson, Ed.D
Someone else wrote the Washington Post and here is their canned response.
Dear Reader,
Pat Oliphant is a syndicated editorial cartoonist carried on news sites across the country. It is the nature of an editorial cartoonist to be provocative and offer up unique -- and often controversial -- viewpoints on the issues of the day. I have always opted for the approach that we should not limit the cartoonist's freedom of speech. We prefer to present the cartoon and allow you, the reader, to make the choice on whether to read it or not, and to express your own freedom of speech if you're bothered or offended by it.
Jim Brady
Executive Editor, washingtonpost.com
I'd like to see this same artist contrive something about the Muslim faith! The Washington Post would be in danger of an airplane directed at their building as a response. "freedom of speech?"
I went to the washingtonpost.com site and searched for the cartoon. I couldn't find it.
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