Saturday, March 28, 2009

Manditory Youth Corps?????

Congress appears ready to pass an Obama administration plan that could create mandatory public service requirements for all American youth, fulfilling a campaign promise.

The bill, HR 1388: The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, otherwise known as the "GIVE Act," has already passed the House by a vote of 321-105.

Here is another article

The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a plan to set up a new "volunteer corps" and consider whether "a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people" should be developed.

The legislation also refers to "uniforms" that would be worn by the "volunteers" and the "need" for a "public service academy, a 4-year institution" to "focus on training" future "public sector leaders." The training, apparently, would occur at "campuses."

Sounds like the beginning of Hitler's army when he came into power.

Here is a site that is easy to understand. It is OpenCongress It give the status of the bill being voted on.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I planted a mini garden this year. Skyler helped out as I am rather limited in my ability to squat, kneel and bend. He we have the master gardener preparing for carrots.

In my quest to loose more weight, I really need to have fresh salads. How much fresher can you get than walking outside your front door and picking a few leaves?

I do not know how long that the plants will last before they go to seed. I hope a while because the salad was very good and satisfied me for several hours.

The following clip is a mini tour of my mini garden. I have just enough dirt to keep me busy.

My neighbor told me about these upside down plant holders. As the tomato plant grows and bares fruit, you just pluck off the ripe ones off the vine. The roots are kept warm and moist as well.

Since I do not have that much room, I thought I'd try to do this kind of planter with summer squash as it has a tendency to take over the ground with its expanding vines. I have planted seeds in the bucket, but they haven't sprouted yet. Somethings take forever. According to Skyler, a week is a long time to see just bare dirt.

As you can see I have Super Man who likes to help in the garden. He loves to water the plants and spray down the sidewalk.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama is ditching the Dollar

I read and article about Obama ditching the dollar and regret not saving the link. But here are two articles about that article. ...........

Then shortly there after I saw a clip about a new business that has been generated by the flailing economy. People living in foreclosed houses. Apparently there is a thirty percent increase of sales among foreclosed houses that are occupied.

Living in a foreclosed house

Then saw another clip about the homeless in Japan and the compromised conditions that some of their educated people are living in.

Meeting Japan's cyber-homeless

I am so thankful for normalcy, food on my table, a great church to attend and that Skyler is in a Christian School despite the quirkiness of its teachers.

I keep wondering what the future holds.

Oh Lord just give me more Bible studies. This world is not my home.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Flying Spaghetti Monsters

I ran across a comment about Alltheism and thought that I'd research it a little bit.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say:

"An alltheist is A person who tries to claim ties to every religion out of fear of picking the 'wrong' one. This in turn forms a paradox because some religions, such as Hinduism and Judiasm contradict each other as the former is polytheistic and the latter explicitly states that there is only one God."

"A typical Alltheist may believe in Jesus, Hindu gods, and even the Flying Spaghetti Monster."


So I looked up Flying Spaghetti Monster and discovered that there is a Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

It is at this site that I also learned about a smiling squid called Piglet Squid, Helicocranchia pfefferi.

In these crazy economic times people are looking for answers. Sometimes in the wrong places.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


One day I as I was leaving for class I walked out side to a flock of turkeys walking across my front yard. The proceeded to walk across the street to the neighbors front yard to continue their foraging for food. At first I thought that the birds got out of their normal home so called the animal shelter. Later I discovered that it is common for Turkeys to roam free in Citrus Heights.

I googled the topic and discovered several blogs with postings about the Turkeys and even some Planning Commission minutes with the attendees complaining about the birds being a nuisance. They have multiplied in the last decade; from a few thousand to over 240 thousand.

On the way to taking Skyler to school last week, there they were, about fifty of them foraging for food on Auburn Blvd. I just had to stop and capture the moment. They are so comfortable despite the rush of life that roars by.

In one article there were pictures of two Turkeys trying to get into Petco!

Also found something on YouTube.
Another local person posted a clip about the Turkeys. While showing houses to a client she came across a flock of Turkeys.

It is obviously Spring time and they are on the prowl looking for places to lay their eggs.
In fact I saw three female turkeys on the side of 80/99 south freeway near the river. It was a great place to lay eggs. A couple of years ago there was a large crop of acorns that caused the Turkey population to increase dramatically.

I keep wondering if these birds will begin to thin out as our economy worsens. Will the homeless people consider them as free food for the taking?

Another blog posting on the Wild Turkeys and an article about the increase of the Turkey population. Apparently, they have become aggressive in the Davis area and are harassing visitors that come to the cemetery.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Andy Goldsworthy -Artist

Skyler and I watch a documentary called Rivers and Tides.

I thought that it was about Rivers and Tides when I checked it out from the library. To our pleasant suprize it was about a british artist and his work.

Andy Goldsworthy (born 26 July 1956) is a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist living in Scotland who produces site-specific sculpture and land art situated in natural and urban settings. His art involves the use of natural and found objects, to create both temporary and permanent sculptures which draw out the character of their environment.

At his site is a page of other environmental artists.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Valentine's Day

A bit late to post about Valentine’s Day, but want to do it anyway because of how special it was. Each of us had a place setting decorated with a handmade menu and Valentine candies. We also had three handsome fellows that waited on us. Instead of going out together, the Boldings decided to bless a few of us single gals with a special dinner. I will always remember this special day for years to come.