Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama is ditching the Dollar

I read and article about Obama ditching the dollar and regret not saving the link. But here are two articles about that article. ...........

Then shortly there after I saw a clip about a new business that has been generated by the flailing economy. People living in foreclosed houses. Apparently there is a thirty percent increase of sales among foreclosed houses that are occupied.

Living in a foreclosed house

Then saw another clip about the homeless in Japan and the compromised conditions that some of their educated people are living in.

Meeting Japan's cyber-homeless

I am so thankful for normalcy, food on my table, a great church to attend and that Skyler is in a Christian School despite the quirkiness of its teachers.

I keep wondering what the future holds.

Oh Lord just give me more Bible studies. This world is not my home.

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