Saturday, May 30, 2009

When Life Hands You Lemons - Race Them

Click the pic to see the flick!

Here is the official website that goes to the articles page. What a hoot! Racing junkers.

24 Hours of Lemons

Kite Control

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ruth's Tomb Gets Renovated

( In preparation for the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, a group of Jews gathered from all over Israel to clean and renovate the Tomb of Ruth and Jesse (Yishai). Ruth, a Moabite princess who was determined to become a Jewess and in fact became the great-grandmother of King David, is remembered during the holiday, with the Scroll of Ruth being read in synagogues around the world.

The Neo-Zionist lobby "Kumah," in partnership with the Jewish Community of Hevron, where Ruth is buried, organized the event. It involved the installation of new top-quality furnishings, painting, light and water fixtures, cleaning, and arrangement of a stone courtyard outside the holy site.

Kumah members said they performed the day-long difficult manual labor as a way of expressing their gratitude and appreciation for the Jews of Hevron, whose presence in the City of our Forefathers ensures that Jews of all walks of life can visit and pray there.

Watch the news clip!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sky is off to See the World!

Skyler is off to see Misha for the Summer. He has been bragging to everyone he can that he is flying by himself to New York. Then he's telling about how his big sister live in Pennsylvania and that they are going to Washington DC to see the White House. Knowing how things work with Skyler, he just may get a glimps of someone important while he is there.

Skyler insisted that Maria and Juliana come to see him off. Only Maria was able to make it. He just wanted to spend "some time" with is other sisters before he left for the Summer.


Part 2

Sky made it safely!!! Click the pic to hear his interview!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Western Festival Parade

Skyler was in a Western Festival Parade.

The Extreme Team kids were asked to help sing on the float. The theme of the float was that the word of God is better than Gold.

Here we have two miners to validate the truth of that statement!

At the beginning of the parade before they took off down the main street I ran into a nice gentleman who restored this jeep. He saw it in a field and bought it for a song then proceeded to restore it. He put in 8 sheets of metal in its remaking. By appearances, it must be his son in the jeep with him. He also has a sign stating the name of a beloved warrior that has since passed on.