Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sky is off to See the World!

Skyler is off to see Misha for the Summer. He has been bragging to everyone he can that he is flying by himself to New York. Then he's telling about how his big sister live in Pennsylvania and that they are going to Washington DC to see the White House. Knowing how things work with Skyler, he just may get a glimps of someone important while he is there.

Skyler insisted that Maria and Juliana come to see him off. Only Maria was able to make it. He just wanted to spend "some time" with is other sisters before he left for the Summer.


Part 2

Sky made it safely!!! Click the pic to hear his interview!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad Sky made it safely to PA. Looks like he's having a good time. Those thunderstorms can be scary. I remember them from growing up in the midwest. But they also remind me of God's awesome power! I am holding Skyler in my prayers for a wonderful vacation and a safe trip home in two months. Love you. karen