The trip was very pleasant. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. David and I took two plates of food to Misha at the hospital.
The only dark spot was when Skyler got the flu. Then Cylas, then David. I prayed that I wouldn't get it because of how close we were to leaving. The Lord was merciful. I stayed reasonably healthy.

Well it was going to take another 24 hours to get home. I got up at 2:30 in the morning. Skyler dressed over the top of his pajamas with sleep on his mind. David was gracious enough to take us to the Bus station.

Other sleepy people joined us.
I enjoyed the scenic drive that I missed when we took the first bus and night. Lots of farms, woodlands and factories. I noticed many warehouses for lease and signs of businesses closing.
We stopped at various bus terminals to pick up more passengers. The most unusual being in a small town that had a portable toilet house for its amenities. The first picture is the Bus Terminal. The second is the out house, the third is the street sign identifying the business establishment.

As we approached New Jersey scenery changed, then when we hit New York it was obvious. Cars, traffic, noise and smog.
I saw a touching scene as we were driving through the streets of New York City. A long line of reasonably dressed people waiting in front of a Methodist Church. A man in a logo on his blue cap came out with a clipboard in hand and sat on the steps. As you can see those first in line were eager to get his attention. I recalled reading in the news how hundreds of thousands of people are loosing their jobs. The national unemployment rate is almost 7%. I'm positive some of these people were hit by the crisis because many of them were clean an well dressed.

Then it was time to find were to meet the Super Shuttle! What an ordeal. My cell phone bill is going to be astronomical. Roaming charges are fifty cents a minute!! I had to call four times to make sure I was in the right place. I got lost twice.
Finally the driver called me and asked me if I could see a pharmacy. I told him YES! He said to just stand in front of the door and he'd find me. What a relief. There was so much noise I could barely talk on the phone. The minute we stepped off the bus I got a headache from the fumes and was in culture shock. I had just come from quiet peaceful Pennsylvania to a mad house!
Now it was my turn to crash on the airport seats!

I stopped to get an Express massage before getting on the plane. I really needed it bad. As we were waiting for the plane, Skyler struck up a conversation with a very nice lady named Pat. She's an architect and lives in the Carmichael area. It helped to pass the time.
There is a website called that gives ratings and tips about various airports throughout the world. JFK is doesn't have a very good rating. At least it was better that the bus station.
Glad to be home, but sure miss my grand babies.