Since living in poverty for so long I just gave up on cooking fancy things. My menu is usually very simple or I'd eat on the run because of a demanding schedule. Now things have changed, I can experiment a little and even have fun while doing it.
My recent trip to Misha's was inspiring. My daughter is a fantastic cook. She keeps a recipe book and plans out her meals. I learned how to make quiche and crepes. Something I've always wanted to do.
In order to stay on top of things, I'm keeping a food journal and discovering lots about my self and food. I read somewhere that those who keep food journals loose twice as much weight and they keep it off as well.
Since my surgery, I've had a tremendous problem with nausea. So much so that I have become dehydrated. I discovered that if I make my protein drink with skim milk it adds 10 grams of protein and helps the drink to rest easier in my stomach. Also by adding in water to the drink I am able to get some water down. My goal is to drink at least 40 oz of fluid a day. Right now I'm at 28 oz a day. By drinking hot ginger tea it fills in some of the gap.
The Bible states, "Without a vision the people perish." With the new year approaching, I've already started my resolutions list. Many of the items I have already been working on but helps to have it in writing. It creates a point of reference. With the food journal it also creates accountability. Looking forward to 2009 and the discovery process of a journaled journey.

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