I enjoyed my time with Cylas. He is a very intelligent young boy. Always figuring out how something works or trying to put some new creation together.
One of his favorite toys is this tunnel. When vistors came over he'd plop it right in the middle of the floor and compete for attention.

Cylas loves dressing up. He uses his favorite hat to finish the outfit. Here we have Cylas trying on one of Romalise's dresses and a scarf purchased at a local thrift store.

Gaming with Dad.

Misha is a wonderful cook!
The first night there we had fresh cookies.
The first night there we had fresh cookies.
A BIG highlight for me was to visit the farm where they get their milk from. They only pay $2 a gallon for it. However, they must bring their own containers and pour it out themselves. When they get home they heat the milk up to 130 degrees in order to pasteurize it.

On each of their ears is an information tag that states their age, name and other information.
Presenting Cylas and his engineer's mind. The Cylasphone. He was imitating mom for a while, then starting talking to an imagination friend.

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